Monday, July 31, 2006

Saturday night's alright for fighting

Once upon a time on Saturday night I was in a big fight with my boyfriend because he went to North Carolina to see his friend instead of spending time with me. But why get mad when you can even without him knowing about it? And the best way to get even is to have a drunken bacchanalia with your girlfriends.

We started at 4PM at a local bar. Got drunk, went back to our place and realized that we were tired from the beer so we had some Irish coffee. Then we grabbed to-go beers for our walk to another friend’s house where she was having a party.

The party was pretty good, in that there was a lot of beer and the male-to-female ration was about 6:1. I’m talking to this guy, and another guy and some other guy and I decide that I’m going to take one home. He walks me back to my place and once I get him there, I decide that I really don't want hook up with him, even if I am mad at my boyfriend, I just wanted someone to walk me home. I tell him that I don’t really want to have sex but we can still talk. He couldn’t have gotten out of there faster if I had told him I had the hiv. Seriously.

And I found the whole thing wickedly amusing. I am going play this game more often as it provides hours of entertainment retelling the story to my friends the next day.

And when the boyfriend got home on Sunday night and asked what I did over the weekend, I gave him the non-committal, “nothing really—hung out with my friends”. Something tells me he would not find this episode nearly as amusing as I did.

Monday, July 24, 2006

On her first blind date...

Okay, I'm done with being reflective. Time for more stories:

Once in college I was set up on a blind date. This was particularly rare because practically everyone at my small college knew practically everyone else but my friend managed to find the one guy I didn't know and set us up. The date was very casual: the date and I, along with my friend and another friend (all girls except the date) were all going to go to see a college theater production and then have drinks at the local bar later that night. It was a Tuesday, which wasn't a big drinking night at my college so rowdiness was not on the menu.

So we all meet up and introductions were made and we went to the theater. Walking there, I discovered the date was a complete dud and he was ugly AND he was wearing sneakers at a school where no one wears sneakers* and so I thanked God that there would be entertainment and then alcohol later.

So we sit through the play (it was pretty good) and then walk to the bar, where we grab a booth in the restaurant portion of the bar. The other friend and I had already eaten--we had grabbed snack bar food before we all met up--so we just had the cheap draft beer on special ($2 pints). The date and my friend who had set us up had not eaten so they ordered from the menu. And not just buffalo wings--they ordered meals. And they ordered expensive import bottled beer. Which is fine--that's their perogative.

The date was completely boring. I think the only vaguely interesting thing he said was that he had never had whatever beer he was drinking before, as if this was supposed to make him adventurous or something...I don't know. Wednesdays were always super-busy for me in college so I was looking to cut the evening short anyways (I would have made an exception if he had been interesting--my first real date with my current was on a Tuesday night and we stayed up until 5 in the morning--well, he stayed up that late, around 3AM I demanded to watch Spiderman on DVD and then passed out within the first ten minutes).

The check comes and it's for like $60, once you add in tip. If we were going to divide it four ways, which we shouldn't have done because two people ate real meals and the other two drank two-dollar drafts, we'd each pay $15. So you would think he should AT LEAST toss in $15 for his quarter (which was less than what he actually ate and if he was expecting to leave with me he should have picked up my beer as well). He tossed in half of that. The friend who set us up tossed in $15, the other friend tossed in $15 and somehow I got the honor of paying nearly $30 for two dollars' worth of Bud Light.

I was left completely aghast by his lack of good manners. I understand the concept of going dutch--I think it's awful, but I get it--but to make your date pay for your meal as well??? That's just awful!

So we're all standing outside and he was like "should we go someplace else and have another drink?". He was clearly clueless about the major faux pas he had just committed and somehow still thought he had a snowball's chance in hell with me. I muttered something about having to get up early and spun around and practically ran away.

The next day, my friend IMs me and asks what I thought about him. "He's boring, ugly and cheap, no wonder he's the one guy on campus I don't know." She got the hint and kept him away from me for the rest of the semester (which obviously wasn't hard because I had already gone 3 years and never seen him).

*I have this thing about sneakers--if you wear sneakers inappropriately I will not date you. It's just one of those quirks of mine.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Summer Lovin'

So, this summer, I've been working at a camp that I used to work at a few years ago. This place is actually really special to me. I went there when I was a kid. Its the site of my first real kiss, the first time I got to second base, and the first time I ever got drunk. There are a lot of people who worked there back when I worked there the first time around. We all kind of grew up together because we all went to the camp as kids and then eventually became counselors. Well, its interesting to see the way that they've changed...or haven't. The "haven't" part of the preceding sentence is really only directed at one person--and this person unfortunately has the dubious honor of being the first on a long list of frogs that I have kissed.

First kiss guy has not changed one iota. He's still exactly the same person he was at 15 except with more piercings and tattoos. Yes, my first kiss went to a guy who has more holes in his body than a cheese grater. He's still the pretentious, pseudo-intellectual that he always was. Anyway, there is really no point to this story, except to say that (a) my first kiss went to an "alternative" guy and (b) its funny to see what kind of people old flings turn into.

Also, I wanted to say that I am considering a summer camp fling with another cowboy. He's about a year and a half younger than me and didn't graduate from high school, but he looks like he's great in bed.