Sunday, July 02, 2006

Summer Lovin'

So, this summer, I've been working at a camp that I used to work at a few years ago. This place is actually really special to me. I went there when I was a kid. Its the site of my first real kiss, the first time I got to second base, and the first time I ever got drunk. There are a lot of people who worked there back when I worked there the first time around. We all kind of grew up together because we all went to the camp as kids and then eventually became counselors. Well, its interesting to see the way that they've changed...or haven't. The "haven't" part of the preceding sentence is really only directed at one person--and this person unfortunately has the dubious honor of being the first on a long list of frogs that I have kissed.

First kiss guy has not changed one iota. He's still exactly the same person he was at 15 except with more piercings and tattoos. Yes, my first kiss went to a guy who has more holes in his body than a cheese grater. He's still the pretentious, pseudo-intellectual that he always was. Anyway, there is really no point to this story, except to say that (a) my first kiss went to an "alternative" guy and (b) its funny to see what kind of people old flings turn into.

Also, I wanted to say that I am considering a summer camp fling with another cowboy. He's about a year and a half younger than me and didn't graduate from high school, but he looks like he's great in bed.


RGB said...

Oh, bad move with the cowboy. Need I remind you what happened with the cowboy you had last summer?

CMS said...

Naaaa...I remember very clearly. And unfortunately, I went ahead and did it this time anyway. And he has gotten attached to me. And I told him that I didn't want a relationship and he got really upset and now won't speak or look at me. Too bad we work together in the barn at the camp. This is going to be an awkward summer. Grrr...why are these supposedly manly cowboys so easily hurt?