Thursday, April 13, 2006

You did this to yourself.

If you stop and think about it, every guy we date is a potential loser. We just don't publicly acknowledge their loser traits until after the breakup. I knew with all my exes what their loser qualities were while we were dating, but I pushed them aside and tried to focus on the positive until they forced me to open my eyes and stop ignoring their ugly shoes or bad manners or stupidity.

I could tell you right now everything I'm going to say about the current when (and/or if) he becomes an ex. But because I'm still blissfully in love with him (and I really do want to stay that way), I choose to ignore things like the fact he won't buy or consume French wine (he does keep the apartment stocked with ridiculously sinful, ridiculously expensive Italian wine).

1 comment:

RGB said...

If you think about it, we're all losers. All of the contributers have, at some time, done something worthy of being posted on this page. We could sit here and post entry after entry about our own behavior, but we don't. Because, it is easier to criticize others (and more fun too!). Every person one dates will be a loser, it is just a matter of finding one who is a loser in the ways which we are willing to tolerate.